The Pace of God

2020 truly came in with a bang! We are now approaching the 9th month and COVID-19 is still here when the world thought it would be gone by now, yet God is still in control. So what is God saying? What is God doing?

This is truly the time for the believer to rise up and be not dismayed.  The land is ripe and ready to posses. As the children of Israel got ready to posses their promised place there were spies sent out to survey the possessions and people of the land, but they became fearful. They associated that point in time with negativity by believing it was too big or too much work, and too much bloodshed to posses it. The phrase “do not be afraid” is written in the bible 365 times. That’s a daily reminder from God to live everyday fearlessly. Not without wisdom and knowledge, but without fear. It’s very important to use wisdom in this time. In doing that you will be moving at the pace of God. When we acknowledge God there’s action behind the acknowledgement. We are observing and getting to know him in the process of living. You will find time and time again that God smooths out all paths. Using the power of wisdom is acknowledging God. Do not be dismayed by your own ways or your own thoughts.

God is fine tuning us during this time. What does that mean exactly? Fine tuning is the process of adjusting a thing precisely to bring it to the highest level of performance or effectiveness. The word precisely gives clarity that there are no mistakes or missing of the mark. It is marked by exactness and accuracy. It is particular. We can rest assure in that. The fact that God’s perfect will makes no mistakes. Be encouraged during this time of fine tuning. Denounce fear in every moment that it tries to rise up. Choose wisdom and knowledge. Choose to lead with God!

Affirmation: God I believe that this is my time to be fine tuned by you. I believe that you are taking me to a place that will prosper me. A place of love and true fulfillment. God I give my hopes, dreams, and desires to you. I will not be dismayed by my own thoughts and feelings. Every good and perfect thing comes from you. God  I trust you.

The Wisdom to Win

Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.  To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit,  to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues,and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines. (1 Corinthians 12:7-11)

Did you know that you have Superpowers? Do you believe you have Superpowers?Spiritually God has given us nine gifts to use during our journey here on earth that differ from the Fruits of the Spirit. These nine gifts are the supernatural powers that you hear believers talk about and they are used to edify God’s Kingdom as well as to ensure your success through life’s journey, trials and tribulations.

Among the nine gifts given, is Supernatural Wisdom. Supernatural Wisdom is the divine infinite Wisdom of God. Sometimes it shows up through a life lesson and sometimes its just the supernatural knowing of a thing. It goes hand in hand with knowledge, yet holds a weight of its own. You see Knowledge is possessing the power of knowing something. Knowing you need to make healthier choices for your life. Knowing what type of business you want to start and what you need to do to get it started. Knowing you need an increase in finances to live a life that you desire, while Wisdom gives you the steps to carry that knowledge out and make it tangible, to actually reach your desired end goal.

Supernatural wisdom is what is needed among the people of God in this day and time like never before. God is indeed pouring out his Spirit upon all flesh, but the people are not tapping in to this super power that will give clear direction on the types of connections to make. When to move, when to rest, and how to show up in their life with purpose and on purpose.

With so much going on in the world and the level of consciousness we are now in, the soil is ready, but it can become easy to get caught up in the what the natural eye sees. It can be easy to desire something that is not even for you, easy to be in the wrong lane, easy to become stagnant when your full of all kinds of ideas, visions, and dreams that need to birthed and it must come out of you.

Supernatural Wisdom is insight to the divine will and purpose from God for you. In times of perplexity and problematic situations, super natural wisdom will be the guide to the road map of life. As leaders in our life, activating the superpower of supernatural wisdom will  assist you in those moments that you feel stuck, unsure, or unknowing. Let Supernatural Wisdom guide you out.

Praying for everyone reading this. That Supernatural Wisdom will be activated in your life and show up like never before. In this time, in this season.

It simply starts with an asking, then a listening.

“God I am asking you to give me Supernatural Wisdom that can only come from you, I receive it now, Amen” 


Aligning Alignment

There are countless success and prosperity stories where people say “I was just in the right place at the right time”  or “The stars were aligned” and “Everything just fell in place” . We are in a time where people are desperately searching for “that place”. The place where the stars are aligned and all of their hearts desires manifest and fall in line. A place where they are secure in their purpose and who they are. Well what is this place? How do I get there? That place of security my friend, is inside of Alignment.

“Alignment”. Perfect Alignment- A position of agreement. A position of alliance.

A position of alignment does not mean everything is going right or your way. Its a position of agreement with the Creators will for your life, tailor made just for you. You see God is not concerned with the money, the cars, the rich an glamorous or even those that are spotlighted. Those things are the concerns of man and they may feel to have validation of success, but its only for a moment in time.  When Solomon was appointed King his only request was for God to grant him wisdom. How astonishing is that request when you could have asked of anything else. I can only imagine that Solomon knew if he could have supernatural wisdom and stay in alignment with God’s infinite knowledge, than he could not fail in ruling his kingdom.

We see the physical things that may manifest with people, but  just as quick as God can build up, He can tear down. God is concerned with the inside. Your hearts alignment, your alliance with his perfect will. Although we are the Co-Creators remember he is the CREATOR. We must remain in a consistent state of humbleness. A consistent state of agreement with Gods will. God is calling us to a place where we are in constant alignment/alliance seeking and listening for what Holy Spirit says you should do about a situation, an idea, a choice, a decision, a direction, the matter your facing right now. Your daily relationship and consistent yes with God keeps you in a position that will allow those questions to be answered for you. Its really not about what the next person in front or behind is doing, its about what Holy Spirit is guiding you to do. “That’s Purpose” .





Driven to Purpose

My 10 year old daughter has been randomly asking me  for the last few years, “mommy, what is my purpose? Why am I here and what am I here to do?”

Many of us are like my daughter. Randomly asking the question of purpose. I smile, because I remember asking the Universe the same question as a child.  I wanted to tell her what her purpose was. I mean after all, I am her mother the one that give birth to her. She depends on me to tell her why she is on this earth, she trusts that I will lead and guide her and tell her exactly what her purpose is, but in all reality, I honestly do not know. Purpose is not found with the physical mind. Purpose is a journey and the answer comes from Spirit. God is the giver of purpose, not man. After all, Spirit created you.

Gods purpose for our life, is far greater than our own personal fulfillment

We have been hearing the word purpose for a while now and as we continue to shift into a state of awakening and consciousness, the word and question of purpose is even more profound.  Some we could see spot on, that they have found purpose, that they are operating in what life has designed them to operate in, but yet were still looking for it inside of us. What gives someone the ability to find purpose and how do you do it?

In John 5 Jesus does some miraculous things amongst the people and they began to put all kinds of false accusations on him. His own people conspire to kill him. They didn’t like his kingdom talk of spiritual things. They were unaccepting of the new mindset Jesus brought. Jesus stated in John 5 that he did not need to receive honor from man. That all honor came from God. It didn’t matter what was going on or what they were saying, Purpose had Jesus in a place that no matter what you think or feel I am going to operate in purpose. No matter what you say it will be fulfilled. The naysayers didn’t have to acknowledge it, they didn’t even have to honor it, but as long as purpose was being fulfilled it will be honored.

The thing is purpose is and has always been there pulling on you, waiting for you to show up with acceptance. Waiting for you to stop listening to the naysayers or looking at the purpose of others in comparison, and to stop letting fear cancel your date with purpose. 2018, purpose will knock at your door even harder. Purpose lies in those spouts of inspiration that may come over you when you are alone dreaming with yourself. It comes from those gut piercing conversations you have with your positive circle or spiritual connections.

Purpose wants you to move forward with assertiveness, consistency, tenacity, passion, and confidence. What does that mean? Write the book, Enroll in school or higher education, Write the business plan. Start the restaurant, go back to creating recipes, Apply for the Job, Start the Business, Start the Blog, Learn and apply the principles of maximizing your finances. When you think on purpose, think BIG. Purpose is not waiting on you to make you comfortable. Purpose is there to catapult you into your full bloom destiny. Life’s true fulfillment.

Happy 2018. My prayer is that purpose meets us with open arms! I Love You!





What’s really going on????

“For I the LORD, love justice” Isaiah 61:8

To get to the bottom of something we must look  beneath the surface, you must get to the bottom of it, or as some say the root of a thing to see where it’s growing from. Racism, a dark desolate ancient  spirit with a foundational hatred set out to destroy all of mankind through division through differences. Racism my friends, is one of the major key players in the result of total destruction. It is a bad root that can be the stem of bad seeds. The only explanation for this bottom is total evil and no good and it’s only LOVE that can defeat it.

Think it not strange that we have been experiencing major hurricanes and earthquakes, along with even more radical racial injustice uproars, after a total solar eclipse. All the senseless killings, innocent bloodshed, immoral living, thirst for greed and unrighteousness, can only last for so long. When the earth is unbalanced and overwhelmed with evil it does what we were designed to do when we are overwhelmingly full. It regurgitates. It shakes it out and it moves it out until balance is restored. It will SHIFT! and will do it drastically, until balance is restored. What is happening today is all God’s doing.

What have “we” been experiencing? What have “we” been feeling in this great spiritual awakening? We know that something isn’t right, we can feel the pull and tug on our spirit strings to pray more, to cry out more, to DO MORE, and to even, CUT some things off.  There are times when things shift so abruptly in life that it takes time for the natural to catch-up, but we have indeed shifted, one of the biggest shifts in a long time. God is pouring out his spirit upon all men and Holy Spirit is telling us, I am no longer waiting. The time is now.Time for what?  To believe again, to hope again, to love again, to answer the call to purpose again, to dream again and go after it with all the zeal and tenacity that has been placed within you.

When Jesus came on the scene, his soul saving truth defied tradition and the condemnation set in by man, through religion. He shakes up the earth with its limiting boxes and laws by defying the religious leaders against every judgment brought up against the “them”.  The  people who believed in him. The people that believed  that he was the living word of God, who hoped, and who had faith in him.

“For God is Spirit and they that worship him, must do it in SPIRIT and TRUTH” John 4:24

What is happening today, must happen. It must come to pass and what is dark must be revealed. Those who are standing in truth, must rise up. Its our time! Fear is not on our side, for the earth is the Lords and everything in it. The tables have turned in the believers favor. We must continue to look at  everything going on in the world today from a spiritual viewpoint and not in the natural eye. For it is the spirit that  gives life . The flesh will profit nothing from it. STAY FOCUSED the universe, the galaxy, the entire atmosphere has shifted, tap in and follow the spirit inside of you.

The Remnant

It’s not easy to persevere, shine, and stay strong in a world that is consumed with so much darkness, yet God always leaves a remnant of people that remain true to him and who are responsible for prophetically being a beacon of light to those who have lost their way.

What and Who is the Remnant? The remnant are those who have a world-wide evangelistic influence. The rebels that openly fight for truth and light. God’s remnant people are constantly reminded and  aware that they are completely saved by grace and not by anything they have done themselves.  Their hearts thirst for righteousness and not religious norms or mediocrity. We live in a huge world, yet there are only a few innately seeking after the higher calling. “The Spiritual Elect”. The remnant are the few percent who  have an unshakable integrity, who love and seek after truth, who find themselves crying out to God and travailing for the nations

Diaries of a Serious Heart is just for you, the remnant. Satan is angry with God’s last day remnant and is consistently without rest waging war against you, trying to get you off focus so that he can come in and devour what God has for you as the chosen elect and destroy the Greater that is in you, so that Gods light cannot shine through you to transform hearts, which in result transforms lives.

Journey with me on my blog as I share with you, what God downloads in me. Interaction and shared thoughts are welcomed.

Referenced Scripture: Genesis 50:20

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive”
